Friday, May 21, 2010


We had been expecting it, hoping they would understand and realise that we had done everything within our power to be on time. But NO, they slapped us with a cost penalty for breaching the 90 day time limit within the contract, $4400 is not a lot in the bigger scheme of things but it does mean we still have to find it from somewhere. Anyway's the site prep guy is rocking up next week to get a start on the block and then a slab will "magically" appear soon afterward. Fingers crossed the rain holds off for a few more weeks.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Green light

What a week it's been, demolition completed and we received development approval. AC demolition did a really good job on our block, they have been snowed under with work lately but they got the job done in the nick of time. Next step is to get the block resurveyed prior to site prep, a slab is not to far away.

We have a cleared block

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Saturday, May 1, 2010

It does stuff, bad stuff to old houses

As promised the Heavy armored division has arrived, better late than never